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  • Marc Lichte

    Marc Lichte

    Head of Design, AUDI AG;奥迪全球设计总监
  • Mario Cucinella

    Mario Cucinella

    Founder and Creative Director, Mario Cucinella Architects;MCA 建筑事务所 (Mario Cucinella Architects) ,创始人
  • Mark Dytham

    Mark Dytham

    Co-founder of Klein Dytham architecture;Klein Dytham Architecture联合创始人
  • Mars Tang 汤振宇

    Mars Tang 汤振宇

    Engineering Director, Technical Services, Hilton Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.;希尔顿企业管理(上海)有限公司技术服务部,工程总监
  • Martin Jochman

    Martin Jochman

    Principal Design Director at J A D E & QA;J A D E & QA首席设计师
  • Massimo Roj

    Massimo Roj

    Co Founder of Progetto Design & Build;Progetto Design & Build联合创始人
  • Michael Arndt

    Michael Arndt

    President of FAW Sales Company Ltd. ;一汽奥迪销售有限责任公司总经理
  • Michael Long

    Michael Long

    Group Head of Sustainability, New World Development Company Limited; 新世界发展有限公司,集团可持续发展主管
  • Michael Zhang 张崟

    Michael Zhang 张崟

    Deloitte China Green Construction National Leading Partner​;德勤中国绿色建设领导合伙人
  • Ming Fang 房明

    Ming Fang 房明

    Director of the Architecture Department of the First Design Institute, Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co. Limited;北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司,第一设计院建筑室主任
  • MK Leung 梁文杰

    MK Leung 梁文杰

    Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners;吕元祥建筑师事务所,环保设计总监;Behave 首席行为分析师


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