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Founded in Beijing in 2009, Deartree Circular Furniture specializes in recycling, sales, leasing, disassembly, transportation, renovation, warehousing and donation of mid-to-high-end brand office furniture. It also provides other value-added services such as office furniture appraisal, site measurements, layout design, cleaning, installation and maintenance. In the process of furniture recycling and reuse, it is dedicated to replace low-end poor-quality new furniture with quality second-hand + own new products. Reduce the consumption of materials and resources, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and avoid the generation of more solid waste. Help enterprises to achieve ESG emissions, make the best use of things, build a green office.





WeChat Official Account: 第二树循环家具

Douyin: 第二树循环家具

Red Little Book: 第二树二手办公家具  

Tel: 400-178-1088  



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