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  • Simone Chen 陈敏娟

    Simone Chen 陈敏娟

    The founder of Vestibule Consulting & little-known, the executive editor-in-chief of Shanghai Articles, the guest editor-in-chief of Oui Art;思庭文化 & little-known内容平台创始人,《上海百货》执行主编,Oui Art客座主编
  • Stephen He 赫荣龙

    Stephen He 赫荣龙

    Director of Marketing China, Mannz;曼茨环境技术有限公司,中国区市场部总监
  • Stephan Nicoleau

    Stephan Nicoleau

    General Partner, FullCycle Climate Partners
  • Sarah Schaefer

    Sarah Schaefer

    Sustainability VP, Electrolux Group;伊莱克斯集团,可持续发展副总裁
  • Shaowei Huang 黄劭暐

    Shaowei Huang 黄劭暐

    Head of Shenzhen Office, Zaha Hadid Architects;扎哈‧哈迪德建筑事务所,深圳办公室负责人
  • Shelley Gao 高千钧

    Shelley Gao 高千钧

    Founder & Design Director, COLORBO;COLORBO彩滨,创始人兼设计总监


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