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  • Ab Rogers

    Ab Rogers

    Creative Director of Ab Rogers Design;Ab Rogers Design创意总监
  • Amanda Levete

    Amanda Levete

    Principal of AL_A;AL_A 首席建筑师
  • Andrew Chang 张天隆

    Andrew Chang 张天隆

    Program Director, New Energy Nexus;New Energy Nexus 项目总监
  • Bethan Grey

    Bethan Grey

    Founder of Bethan Grey Design;Bethan Grey Design创始人
  • D.B. Kim

    D.B. Kim

    Hospitality Designer;酒店设计师
  • Daniel & Markus Freitag

    Daniel & Markus Freitag

    Founders of Freitag;Freitag创始人
  • David Galullo

    David Galullo

    Design Principal / CEO of Rapt Studio;Rapt Studio CEO&设计首席
  • Di Zhang 张迪

    Di Zhang 张迪

    Principal and Founder of waa, ARB/RIBA;英国注册建筑师,皇家建筑学会成员,waa 未觉建筑创始人,主持合伙人
  • Filippo Gabbiani

    Filippo Gabbiani

    Founder of Kokaistudios;Kokaistudios创始人
  • Hao Dong 董灏

    Hao Dong 董灏

    Architect; Co-founder and Partner of Crossboundaries; Chartered Member of RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects);建筑师,Crossboundaries 联合创始人/合伙人,英国皇家建筑师学会 (RIBA) 会员
  • Hung-Chih Liu 刘泓志

    Hung-Chih Liu 刘泓志

    AECOM Asia Senior Vice President, Leader for Strategy & Development, Cities Market Sector Leader, China;AECOM 亚洲区高级副总裁,中国区战略与发展负责人,中国区城市策略咨询负责人
  • Jae Li 李俊杰

    Jae Li 李俊杰

    Instigator and Chief Curator of Green Connections, Expert in Sustainable Design Innovation and Sensory Experience Design;跨领域可持续设计与创新研究咨询机构 Circular China(圜中环境科技)创始人及创意总监,Green Connections (绿色联界) 可持续设计领导者联盟联合发起人和总策展人
  • Jesper Jos Olsson

    Jesper Jos Olsson

    Founding Partner and Group CEO, White Peak;中瑞鼎峰集团总裁,创始合伙人
  • Jianguo Liang

    Jianguo Liang

    Chairman & Founder, Beijing Newsdays Architectural Design Co., Ltd./Beijing Newsdays Decoration & Construction Co., Ltd. ;北京Newsdays Architectural Design创始人&主席
  • Johannes Torpe

    Johannes Torpe

    Founder of Johannes Torpe Studio;Johannes Torpe Studio创始人
  • Jonathan Woetzel

    Jonathan Woetzel

    Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Asia-based Director of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), Global Leader of McKinsey’s Cities Special Initiative and Co-chair of the Urban China Initiative;麦肯锡公司全球资深董事合伙人,麦肯锡全球研究院院长,麦肯锡“城市中国计划”联席主席
  • June Ren 任军

    June Ren 任军

    Chief Architect of Tenio Tianjin Architecture and Engineering Co.,Ltd, Professor of Architectural Institute of Tianjin University;天友建筑设计股份有限公司总建筑师,天津大学建筑学院教授
  • K. B. Albert Chan 陈建邦

    K. B. Albert Chan 陈建邦

    Director of Development Planning & Design, Shui On Land;瑞安规划发展及设计总监
  • Kangshuo Liang 唐康硕

    Kangshuo Liang 唐康硕

    MAT Office Founding Partner, Registered Architect, NL;MAT 超级建筑事务所主持建筑师,荷兰注册建筑师
  • Kenya Hara 原 研哉

    Kenya Hara 原 研哉

    Japanese Graphic Designer;日本平面设计师
  • Lay Koon Tan

    Lay Koon Tan

    Founder of Nature Squared;Nature Squared创始人
  • Li Zhang 张利
  • Mark Dytham

    Mark Dytham

    Co-founder of Klein Dytham architecture;Klein Dytham Architecture联合创始人
  • Martin Jochman

    Martin Jochman

    Principal Design Director at J A D E & QA;J A D E & QA首席设计师
  • Massimo Roj

    Massimo Roj

    Co Founder of Progetto Design & Build;Progetto Design & Build联合创始人
  • Nicholas Fung 冯智君

    Nicholas Fung 冯智君

    Chairman of 2021 WAD World Youth Designer Conference, Founder of EZHEN Design;2021 WAD 世界青年设计师大会主席,艺臻设计创始人
  • Peihe Xie 谢培河

    Peihe Xie 谢培河

    Founder & Chief Designer of AD ARCHITECTURE;AD 艾克建筑设计创始人及总设计师
  • Peter Ippolito

    Peter Ippolito

  • Renee Y. Chow

    Renee Y. Chow

    Acting Dean; Chair, Department of Architecture, Professor, Architecture And Urban Design, Executive Dean, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design;加州大学伯克利分校环境设计学院建筑系主任,建筑与城市设计教授,执行院长
  • Ross Lovegrove

    Ross Lovegrove

    Ross Lovegrove Ltd,创始人兼董事
  • Ryan Wang 王恒
  • Satoshi Ohashi 大桥谕

    Satoshi Ohashi 大桥谕

    Architect, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects;建筑师,扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所总监
  • Sean Affleck

    Sean Affleck

    Creative Director & Co-founder of MAKE;英国美艾克(MAKE)设计公司的设计总监、公司创建人之一
  • Sebastian Herkner

    Sebastian Herkner

    Designer, Studio Sebastian Herkner;Studio Sebastian Herkner设计师
  • Shuhei Aoyama 青山周平

    Shuhei Aoyama 青山周平

    Partner & Principal Architect, B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio Founding;B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所,创始人兼主持建筑师
  • Steven Smit

    Steven Smit

    Director of MVRDV Asia;MVRDV 亚洲区总监
  • Tom Dixon

    Tom Dixon

    Designer & Creative Director, Tom Dixon;设计师 & Tom Dixon 创意总监
  • Xuan Chen 陈暄

    Xuan Chen 陈暄

    PhD of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China, Executive Director, SHISHANG Architecture;中央美术学院建筑博士,十上建筑执行董事
  • Ziyu Zhuang 庄子玉

    Ziyu Zhuang 庄子玉

    Partner and chief architect of RSAA GmBH;德国科隆 RSAA 事务所合伙人 & 主持建筑师


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