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Panel Discussion: How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint Through Architecture Across the Building Lifecycle

Beyond Buildings: Urban Sustainability and Smart Cities
Simone Chen 陈敏娟, The founder of Vestibule Consulting & little-known, the executive editor-in-chief of Shanghai Articles, the guest editor-in-chief of Oui Art;思庭文化 & little-known内容平台创始人,《上海百货》执行主编,Oui Art客座主编
Chris Choa, Founder and Director, OUTCOMIST;OUTCOMIST,创始人兼总监
Esther An 晏洁慧, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited (CDL) ;城市发展有限公司,首席可持续发展官
Allemann Cedric Alexandre, Creative Director, GBD Shunda Moser Window&Door Co., Ltd. ;高碑店顺达墨瑟门窗有限公司,创意总监
Dr. Yibo Xu 胥一波博士, Chinese Partner and General Manager, Stefano Boeri Architetti (SBA) China;博埃里建筑设计事务所,中国合伙人和总经理
Wencan Gu 古文灿, General Manager of DP Eco Material,Dongpeng Holdings Ltd.;东鹏控股,东鹏生态新材事业部总经理
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