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Creative Solutions for Oriental Sustainable Living


Sustainable Production Methods Using Recycled Materials in the East

Zence Object Technology is an innovative company based in the Greater Bay Area that is dedicated to solving global waste problems. We use technological innovation to transform various inconspicuous waste materials, such as bamboo, platycodon, grandiflorum, tea residue, Chinese herbal medicine residue, and more, into genuine Eastern eco-friendly materials that are integrated into people's daily lives.

Our most representating product is "Chazence," a sustainable, versatile, and mass-producible Eastern eco-friendly material. Chazence can not only replace traditional materials such as plastic, paper, and wood but can also be applied to various products. All of our products are biodegradable, in line with modern society's pursuit of sustainable development. Chazence is currently the only institution in the country that can fully utilize tea residue and apply it to different industrial products.


Bob Lei, ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Co-founder, Brand Director

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