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Discovering the World of Sustainable Materials


The sustainable materials company M-Seen,is gearing up to host a groundbreaking sustainable materials workshop that will take participants on a journey to explore the world of innovative materials! M-Seen's mission is to bring forth better materials that can be seen and put to used.

In this upcoming workshop, we will delve deep into a highly regarded sustainable material: mycelium. Mycelium is a biodegradable material grown by fungi, and its unique properties open up an entirely new realm of creative possibilities. From architecture and design to innovative products, mycelium is at the forefront of driving an innovation wave in sustainable materials.

Throughout the workshop, we will delve into the manufacturing process, advantages, and applications of mycelium across various domains. Through interactive discussions, hands-on demonstrations, and collaborative teamwork, we will provide participants with an inspiring and practical learning experience.


Dan, Owner-Principal, m-seen

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